


The National League of Cities (NLC) asks that you contact your member of Congress about problematic "e-fairness" legislation being discussed at the federal level. Specifically, you should ask your member of Congress to reach out to the 众议院司法委员会,由 董事长鲍勃·古德拉特 (弗吉尼亚共和党.), with concern about the draft legislation, called the Online Sales Simplification Act of 2016, 哪些与在线销售征税有关,哪些可能会在本月在国会采取行动. 点击这里 审议条例草案.

NLC has pushed for the passage of a law that would close the online sales tax loophole, 为竞争的实体企业恢复市场公平,为州和地方政府创造新的收入. 但该委员会的草案提出了一种复杂的混合来源方法来征收销售税, 在这种情况下,卖方所在的州将决定对哪些商品征税,而买方所在的州将决定税率. 卖方将收款汇给一个“清算所”,该清算所将把收入分配给目的地州. 该草案还将限制对卖方远程销售的审计,将远程销售的目的州税率限制为单一的全州税率, 缴送工作解释.

该提案创建了一个严格的税收征收和汇款系统,并不能确保地方政府将获得当地征收的销售税. “试着解释一下. It is hard as heck to explain,” 森ate Minority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) was quoted as saying of the bill in 政治报. 阅读更多报道 在这里. In contrast, lawmakers last year introduced a separate, NLC-supported e-fairness法案, HR2775 Remote Transactions Parity Act, 在该法案中,州和地方政府可以强制零售商在买家所在地的基础上对远程销售征税. 点击这里 找到您在国会的代表,并传达您对《365体育足彩》的关注.

在最近结束的财政年度,国家普通基金的税收和非税收收入增加了7亿多美元, 代表一个3.据“内部州政府新闻服务”报道,这一数字比前一年增加了3%. 引用 最新的月度数据 from the Office of the State Controller, the outlet reported that tax revenues increased by nearly $861 million, 或者超过4%, while non-tax revenues fell $158 million, or 15.5%. The legislature has lowered income tax rates in recent years. Corporate income tax revenue last fiscal year fell by $270 million, 或者20%, though individual income tax receipts increased by $827 million, or 15.5%. State Budget Director Andrew Heath connected the latter to job growth. Sales tax receipts increased by $308 million, or roughly 5%. 据the Insider透露, 扣除收入和费用后的年终现金盈余约为9.4亿美元. 点击这里 for the full report from the state.

关于众议院二号法案洗手间限制的原定审判将推迟, according to the Associated Press. State 代表ublican leaders won a request to delay the case's day in court while the U.S. Supreme Court weighs whether it will hear a transgender restroom access case in Virginia, 美联社报道说. 最初, the North Carolina trial was set for November. Now, it's expected in May 2017. The news agency also noted that U.S. 地区法官托马斯·施罗德(Thomas Schroeder)最近部分批准了对一群跨性别原告起诉北卡罗来纳州法律的初步禁令. 除此之外, HB2对公共建筑和学校的洗手间设置了限制,LGBT社区及其支持者认为这是一种歧视——要求个人只能使用与其出生证明上定义的生理性别相匹配的洗手间, 而不是性别认同. 施罗德法官认为,原告很有可能在HB2违反第九条的案件中取得成功, the federal prohibition on gender discrimination in schools. It's one of at least five lawsuits circling HB2. The legislature passed the law, which also prohibits municipalities from enacting local nondiscrimination ordinances, during a one-day special session early this year. 阅读更多新闻报道 在这里.

代表. 冬青田庄

政府. Pat McCrory has appointed a successor for Rick Catlin, 这位来自威尔明顿的两届共和党州众议员上个月辞职. 冬青田庄, the party's nominee for House District 20 (to which Catlin did not seek re-election), 她赢得了当地政党领导人的批准,填补了这个空缺,并在上周接受了州长的任命,她将参加一场没有竞争的投票. According to her legislative and campaign bios, 格兰奇是鱼鹰全球解决方案公司(Osprey Global Solutions)的社区关系主管, full-spectrum life-support medical, 物流与建筑, 还有安全问题, training and business intelligence services,她的丈夫, 大卫田庄, is CEO) and worked previously with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, from 1982-1997. 她也是一名在美国工作了15年的律师.S. 陆军老兵, a National Rifle Association pistol and rifle instructor, and a concealed-carry instructor. 人大上一次休会是在7月1日,预计要到2017年1月才会重新召开. 卡特琳于8月辞职 to spend more time on local matters including his engineering business.

据美联社报道,上周六热带风暴Hermine的袭击造成了至少2美元的损失.5 million in damage to nearly 660 buildings in Dare County alone. 这是初步估计,其中包括科灵顿和达克的七所严重受损的房屋, 南岸的一所房屋被树木摧毁,基蒂霍克的一所房屋无法居住. Most of the county's financial toll fell on Hatteras Island, 据美联社报道, 这还不算清理瓦砾的费用和个人财产损失, 比如车辆. Updated figures are expected soon.

不再等待! 现在就注册 CityVision 2016 年度会议 在罗利,10月. 23-25. As you know by now, the League is doing things a bit differently this year -- the 倡导目标会议 将于23日星期日与各城镇一起决定2017-2018年NCGA两年期的立法和监管优先事项. 参加倡导目标会议是帮助我们在2017年及以后更好地定位城镇倡导工作的最佳方式. Make sure your voice is heard and your vote is cast at the 倡导目标会议!

Moving into the CityVision 2016 年度会议, you will learn ways to connect success stories to your citizens, 社区及其他, adapt to demographic and cultural changes, and grow a strong economic foundation in your hometown. Make one trip, and check off two important conferences on your calendar! 点击这里 报名参加“倡导目标大会”和“城市愿景2016年会”.

报名已开始 下一次365足彩下载成员和杜克能源的联合会议讨论市政现代化的相关问题 街道照明. The meeting will take place on Sept. 26, 10 a.m. 到2点.m.他在20世纪90年代的杜克能源公司工作.J. 米勒礼堂(526 S. 教堂的圣.夏洛特). meeting will serve as a continuation of discussions that began after the League, in 2013, intervened in the Duke Energy Carolinas rate case before the N.C. 公用事业委员会. 这是杜克与市政客户讨论户外照明策略的一个机会, updates and sustainability efforts. 讨论将包括LED现代化、新产品、365体育足彩等方面的最新进展. 联系人: 莎拉·柯林斯

上周的一集 市政方程 ——一个扩展版——从该领域的领导人以及参加最近365足彩下载论坛的州议员那里对现代执法问题进行了大视角和敏锐的见解, 应…要求举行 N.C. 立法黑人核心小组, on the topic of trust between police and the public. 没机会听? 点击这里. 你会听到 森. 弗洛伊德McKissick 达勒姆和 代表. 花环皮尔斯 讨论警察培训,与平民的信任和关系的建立,而 代表. 约翰Faircloth 他回忆起自己在20世纪60年代当警察的经历,以及自那以后科技的发展. All that and more on this special, extended edition of 市政方程, the League's biweekly podcast on all the challenges, 解决方案, successes and new concepts surrounding today's municipalities.

Want a preview of next week's episode? 点击这里. We'll talk with William Eggers, executive director for Deloitte's Center for 政府ernment Insights, 关于他所认为的政府采用技术的新底线,以及现代公民在这方面的期望——他们越来越习惯于按需提供服务的应用程序和门户网站. A lack of tech integration can affect talent recruitment at city hall, too, he says. 点击这里 所有过去的情节和 在这里 to subscribe for free on iTunes. The podcast is also available on mobile streaming services like Stitcher, 谷歌玩, 阴, TuneIn和更多. 谢谢你的聆听,还有 please take a moment to give the podcast a good review on iTunes.

2016年的“制造日”定于10月11日,这是一个“旨在激励下一代制造商的现代制造业庆典”. 7, and organizers are encouraging local groups to plan events around it. 无论是通过社区合作伙伴参观工厂,还是与组织领导和民选官员举行公开会议, 制造日是提高公众对制造业认识的好方法,广告上说. "Please help recruit companies in your community to participate!“访问 www.mfgday.com 了解更多.