
League Bulletin

October 4, 2019

​WHAT HAPPENED: 当观察家们密切关注参议院的预算可能性时——记住 众议院最近的预算否决投票 that caught many by surprise -- this week's conversation fell more on any remaining priority bills and standalone spending authorizations, the latter per North Carolina's ongoing lack of an approved-and-signed state budget. "There's no sense holding those things up because of an unrelated disagreement on the budget overall,参议院领袖菲尔·伯杰在新闻发布会上说. 他说,下周的情况不太确定,但可能要长时间工作.
WHAT IT MEANS联合国大会于1月6日开始了2019年的长期会议. 30. We've said before that some weeks had felt like wind-downs on legislative activity. Now, in October, with moves on those "mini" budget bills to fund programs or projects around the state, 一些高级议员表示,他们已经准备好了, to some degree, 关掉灯,收工. 与此同时,还有一些工作要做. 
ON TAP: Adjournment? 伯杰参议员说,他希望在10月10日前关闭参议院. 31. 这并不排除重新召开会议的可能性, though, 因为重新划分选区和医疗补助等一些昂贵的项目悬而未决.
THE SKINNY: 联合国大会领导人可能会在周末讨论未来的道路, deciding or at least working toward understanding what the final priorities will be. Bills still in play right now that don't meet the cut aren't immediately doomed, as the 2020 continuation of legislation business -- known as the short session -- will begin in the spring. 请继续阅读本周的更多活动.

It wasn't a flurry, of course, but bills did advance through the legislature this week. HB 387成长得很好 (原标题为“电力合作社农村宽频服务”), is one of those "mini" budget bills expanding the GREAT program to Tier 2 counties, 尽管地方政府仍然没有资格获得这笔资金, 旨在扩大宽带的机会. 该法案在参议院获得通过,并提交众议院批准. HB 100 2019-2020两年期交通部预算 represents another budget move, which this week also passed the Senate and awaits House concurrence. HB 283康纳法 would increase the penalty for assaulting a law enforcement officer or emergency personnel, and also would provide an additional death benefit for public safety employees murdered in the line of duty. 在撰写本文时,该法案已放在州长的办公桌上. House Speaker Tim Moore and Senate leader Phil Berger are discussing other bills of importance that may need action before the long session ends and, 根据他们的评论和媒体报道, 下周可能会有长时间的投票. 
Meanwhile, 解决一些悬而未决的问题, the House this week made additions to the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources agency bill when considering it this week. sb433dncr综合汽车 & Other Changes​ now includes provisions of interest related to providing emergency operating funds for utilities, clarifications of the uses and reimbursement procedures for certain coastal storm funding, 并清点阻燃泡沫. The utility provisions tweak the process to provide emergency funds when a water or wastewater utility is operating at a deficit that 上周成为法律 in SB 691公用事业紧急运作基金 and incorporate the emergency operating funds concept as an additional use of the Viable Utility Reserve fund (if it becomes law). The Viable Utility Reserve fund passed the General Assembly in two vetoed bills (HB 966 2019 Appropriations Act and SB 553 Regulatory Reform Act of 2019), would provide grants to assist utilities in becoming self-sustaining and merge, 这是一项为期一年的立法研究的结果,该研究的重点是 超过170亿美元的水和下水道基础设施需要在全州范围内建设. (A 先前的版本 的刊物有报导.) SB 433也指导了N.C. Policy Collaboratory to inventory certain fire retardant foam used by local government fire departments and to create a process for collecting and disposing of the foam that is no longer in use. Fire retardant foams have been linked to the presence of certain perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS chemicals) found in drinking water supplies. SB 433 passed the House this week and still needs to be taken up by the Senate for concurrence. 

The League has released its most recent Quarterly Revenue Report, available in an 交互式微软PowerBI格式, as well as PDF. 和往常一样,他们都住在房子里 在365足彩下载的网站上. The latest report includes state-collected local revenues received by local governments for the fourth quarter of the 2018-2019 fiscal year, 以及对全年趋势的回顾. The state-collected local revenues included are local option sales and use taxes, 公用事业销售税(电力), piped natural gas, 电信, 和本地视频节目), 啤酒和葡萄酒消费税, 以及固体废物处理税. 直接向365足彩下载研究战略家提问 Caitlin Saunders​ 或研究主任 Chris Nida​.
Governor Roy Cooper announced a spate of  appointments to state boards and commissions this week, with Wilmington Mayor Pro Tem and 365足彩下载董事会 Member Magaret Haynes among them. Haynes will fill an at-large seat on the body that keeps a focus on economic development and education via arts for all. 库珀州长还向艺术委员会宣布任命爱德华. 他是索尔兹伯里公共艺术委员会的副主席. Eric J. Lindstrom, a Cumberland County-based architect who has "personally worked on transforming numerous historic buildings in downtown Fayetteville,也被任命为, 一份新闻稿称. See the 完整的在线约会列表

城市和城镇正在堆积在 Here We Grow, the local economic-development storytelling platform from the League and partner WRAL TechWire. Look for 一个来自锡代利亚镇 about its longterm redesign project that changes pass-through travelers into visitors. Serita Faison说, 规划委员会成员, “我们希望当人们来到这里时,他们想要逗留. 我们希望镇上的人能坦然地出柜.“在这里增长的其他新读数.org covers the 通往哈利法克斯的繁华之路; how Blowing Rock is future-minded on infrastructure; and satisfying local demand for 怡园提供更多康乐活动. There's 我们在这里成长,给了我们很多灵感 in chronicling how cities and towns are making meaningful investments that help the economy and quality of life. Join the movement today; send an email to about@herwegrownc.org or jcassidy@gofuya.com​ 登录凭据. 我还没告诉你小镇的故事呢? Here We Grow has a statewide audience and is important for showing communities' collective impact.

​Grammy Award-winning artist Common and cities-focused author Peter Kageyama are booked to keynote this year's City Summit​, the National League of Cities' annual conference that draws local government officials and supporters from across the country for a better tomorrow. It's set for Nov. 德州圣安东尼奥,20-23.  "The conference will offer local officials education for professional development, discussions on common challenges and new trends affecting cities and proven best practices that will improve local communities," says NLC. 这是NLC秋季会议的独家报道, mobile workshops offer city leaders a chance to see the success of peers during guided tours of noteworthy municipal projects." You can learn more about the 100-plus educational sessions and networking opportunities, and so much more, at citysummit.nlc.org. Registration is open​.
